Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Part C Of Final

Good Habit 
 All I did to edit and enhance this photo is use the blur tool to help focus it more on her hand gripping onto the weight, and I also boosted the contrast. Looking back at the original,I do think the retake is better than the first shoot I did for this photo challenge just because I let myself be more creative with the retake.
Low Angle
 To edit this image I made the color balance bring out wore yellow and I also darkened it a little bit to emphasize the ripstick more. The focus is still on the end of the ripstick at the bottom of the photo when it is close up. Comparing this to the original i think this shoot is more creative and brings out a better feeling.
Editing this image only took a few things. I pulled out more black levels, brought out more colors using increased saturation, and blurred out the back to focus more on the sun like the original focus was. This photo compared to my last shoot for this photo challenge defintely shows what you can do to think deeper into what the photo challenge idea could mean to you.

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