Wednesday, September 2, 2015


My favorite edited photo from last year's Photo I was the one where Sara stood on her tippy-toes under the sun and the shadow behind her feet was casting to the side of the image. This one is my favorite because once I put it in black&white, the shadows were even more defined and I just thought it looked really sharp. I consider my strongest piece to be the image where we went down to the track for the whole class and took pictures of the snow. The image is staring off into the snow covered football practice field, with some footsteps leading into it. Its my strongest because right in the middle of the sky, the sun was so bright and the sunlight reflected onto the far back of the field, onto the snow. The assignment I most struggled with was the one where I took a photo of Sara staring sideways, and I had to blend in some type of object to the back of her head. The hardest part was the blending and layering I had to do with the tacks. I would like to enhance my skills of focusing more on the colors and light amount to my photos and learn more on blending layers into each other.

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